Friday, 30 June 2017

Happy summer!

It's 9:00am and the halls are quiet. I'm still surprised at how quickly this year has flown by.

As I look around my semi-boxed-up, half-painted classroom, it astounds me to think how much learning and growing we did this year together as a team. Through ups and downs, we set goals, celebrated successes, worked hard, had fun, learned and shared some hard lessons, collaborated with our peers, shared lots of laughs, set new standards for ourselves, set out on field trip adventures and truly grew into our roles as great Knights.

And, because this blog was created for and truly belongs to you, the students, I am signing off by letting your words share what this year has meant to you. Wishing you all the most wonderful summer!

À la prochaine, mes amis!
Mme Careen 😊


J'aime quand on est allé au piste et pelouse parce que j'aime les sports. J'ai aussi aimé quand notre classe est allée au musée. - Shaan C.

I liked the memory name game! - Claire B.

What I really liked doing this year with Mme Careen was the funky fish where we stretch by dancing! - Elsir O.

I liked when we took brain breaks. One of my favourite brain breaks was the funky fish. I also enjoyed when we went to Festival du Voyageur. Mme Careen is really fun and I'll miss her next year. - Ava N.

I liked playing the name game with the class. - Gavin DG.

I loved the first day we met as a class and we all played the name game together. - Nina KLB.

This year, I loved to do the funny brain break games that Mme did with us, like the funky fish. - Sofia S.

J'ai aimé quand Rachel Bawn est venue chanter pour nous. I liked when Rachel Bawn came and sang songs for our school. - Kacey C.

My favourite memory is the residency because we learned a lot. We were in different groups and Miss Sandy was really nice. - Ebony F.

Manitoba Museum field trip. - Graeme F.

We had an AWESOME year. My favourite part was when we went to Festival du Voyageur and had a fun time game and learning about "les voyageurs." - Bronwyn H.

The best part of the year was when we did stuff together, such as the Festival du Voyageur or fun Kahoot quizzes. - Aurora A.

Quand on a fait le projet Tomatosphere. - Wyatt M.

My favourite memory I had this year was when we went on our Exchange District field trip because we learned lots about different things. Also, how we did it together. Merci pour une bonne année. - Jessica K.

I loved it when we played Kahoot. Gavin C. 

J'aime quand nous avons appris à propos de Bernoulli. J'ai aussi aimé la sortie de piste et pelouse parce que j'aime les sports et il était très drôle. - Pablo CD.

I liked doing the alien classification project with Mme Careen. - Owen G.

I really liked all the fun activities we did.  Had a lot of fun learning when we went on our field trips. Thank you for a good year. - Lucas L. 

The thing I liked about our class is when we did Q-Bitz and Math Mobiles and mostly everything we did. Go Ness Knights! - Kaedan B

 My favourite memories of Grade 6 is when we started playing Kahoot and when we read those Math books as a class. Grade 6 was a fun year with Mme Careen. - Josh P.

This year I really liked how welcoming Mme Careen was. We did a lot of fun things in Room 208. I loved being part of 6F3! - Courtney B.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Happy Last Day!

We had a great last morning together!

We started off in the art room, combined with Mme McKenzie's class, to do art! We had full access to the art supplies as well as a ton of colouring pages. Some of us painted and drew pictures, while others did summer-themed crosswords and chatted with friends.

Next was the Q-Bitz Extreme challenge! The pictures we needed to create were WAY tricker to figure out at first, but after the first few rounds, we got the hang of it!

Before heading off to period 4 with Ms. Miller for our next fun last-day activity, we had one more task... signing the first printed copy of The Method of Math Mobiles - the manual we started during our Writer's Workshop with
Ms. Sandy back at the end of April!
(Be sure to read the blog post about our book launch to find out more)!

 And what's the last day of school without one final group shot?

Clearly, Grade 6 didn't make us any less silly! :)
Thanks for a fun morning, 208!

The Method of Math Mobiles

Room 208 is very excited to announce the launch of their manual, The Method of Math Mobiles!

We started the preparing for this writing project back in April in anticipation of our four-day Writer's Workship with Ms. Sandy Figueroa. We took our knowledge of writing and solving algebraic equations and turned it into a step-by-step guide to teach others about how they, too can solve Math Mobile problems.

After many hours of editing, reformatting, negotiating and revising, our manual is saved, printed
and ready to share with everyone!

To celebrate the completion of our project, we decided to have an ice-cream-party
book launch on the last day of school!

Here is our room all set-up and ready for our book launch party!

Here we are making our ice cream creations and spending time together as a class on our last day.
Celebrating a book launch with an ice cream party is such a yummy idea!

We invited the other teachers who were also a part of the Writer's Worship to join us, too!
We were happy to welcome them to our celebration and share our manual with them!

Our The Method of Math Mobiles manual will be on display in Mme Careen's classroom and will also be available for students to read in our school library. An additional copy will be also be accessible to all school visitors who stop by our school office.

Many thanks to everyone who helped us on our writing and publishing journey! :)

P.S. You can see read The Method of Math Mobiles by clicking HERE!

Wednesday, 28 June 2017


The time is ticking down. Only two days left!

We started our morning with SkyScrapers! Working in randomized groups, we got started right away to see how many different puzzles we could solve in 45 minutes. We have shown so much growth with this activity since the first time we tried it back in the fall.

Next, we took time to hand back/sort out all of our assignments from Term 3. It was a paper free-for-all!
Some of us kept our assignments to bring home... most of us used all of our strength to rip everything into as many pieces as we could!

We ended our morning writing down a favourite memory of the year (which will be posted on our blog at the end of the week) and spending a short time in the computer lab with a chance to play a game of choice on the computers (which doesn't happen often, so it was a real treat)!

It's hard to believe that tomorrow is already our last day together for the year! There are a lot of fun and exciting things planned - special activities, Q-Bitz Extreme challenge, book launch ice cream celebration and more - so be sure to rest up and be ready for one final day in Room 208! :)

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Three days and counting!

Happy Tuesday, everyone!
We had a great morning together!

We started our day with a team Q-Bitz challenge. We worked in teams of three to create different pictures with our set of patterned blocks. We were tested on both accuracy and speed as the first three teams to correctly complete the picture and show it to Mme Careen won points for their team; 1st: 25 points, 2nd: 20 points, 3rd: 10 points.
Our teams were randomly selected, and after every 6 puzzles, we changed teams. We played three rounds in total.
Our next challenge will come on Thursday of this week as we attempt the same challenge using the
Q-Bitz Extreme blocks. So fun!

Next up, was our paper airplane challenge. We each received 3 sheets of paper and had 20 minutes to create the best airplanes we could. Some of us chose to follow one of the six templates posted around the class while others decided to come up with our own original design.

After our airplanes were ready to go, we headed down to the gym to test them out!
Some of our planes flew SO far!

We headed outside for the last part of our morning to put Bernoulli's Principle to the test. We started by looking at the different shapes and sizes of the frisbees and then tried to compare the differences in their flight paths as we passed them to our partners. It was pretty windy outside however, so most of our time was spent running and chasing after the frisbees rather than catching them.
Mme Careen also requested we yell out "Bernoulli" each time we threw a frisbee, which was pretty silly, but she was fairly insistent that it would make our frisbees fly a bit better. ;)

Friday, 23 June 2017

Fidget spinner Friday!

Happy Friday!

Mme Page was back with us today for another 3-Act lesson...
and we got to use our fidget spinners to kick-off the class!
Today we had to, first: figure out what information we would need to calculate how long a fidget spinner would spin for and second: actually complete the calculation itself.
To solve today's math problem, we had to use long division which some of us found a bit tricky.
Mme Page showed us a cool way to do long division that made dividing bigger numbers seem not so bad! Thanks, Mme! :)

Watch the fidget spinner video HERE!

This afternoon we also had a chance to welcome our incoming Grade 6s (this year's current Grade 5s) to our building. We all met in the gym for a message from Mme Buckwold before the 5s headed off to see their new classroom spaces and we stayed in the gym as a group to watch a video.

A group of us worked very hard at organizing the class and decorating the boards 
to ensure our new students felt very welcome! Thanks, team! 

Have a great weekend! :)