Welcome to Room 208 News!
November 2, 2016

SOUPer Bowl: Ness' Annual SOUPer Bowl Challenge is on! We are collecting cans of soup (or any sort of food in a can, really) from now until November 16. The homeroom group that brings in the most cans wins a prize! All food collected will be donated to Winnipeg Harvest.
Thank you for your support!


October 27, 2016

* TOMORROW - Dress Up Your Face Day! (No masks).
* Monday - Halloween Costumes! (No weapons or accessories that may be used as weapons. Please also consider the level of "gore" when planning your costume. School dress code/beliefs still apply).

LOOKING FOR PUMPKINS: We will be having a pumping carving contest as part of our Halloween Gym Blast on Monday are still in need of 10 pumpkins to make it happen! If you would be willing to donate a pumpkin, we will gladly accept your generous donation at the office.


October 26, 2016

TOMORROW - Twin Day!
* Friday - Dress Up Your Face Day! (No masks).
* Monday - Halloween Costumes! (No weapons or accessories that may be used as weapons. Please also consider the level of "gore" when planning your costume. School dress code/beliefs still apply).

LOOKING FOR PUMPKINS: We will be having a pumping carving contest as part of our Halloween Gym Blast on Monday are still in need of 11 pumpkins to make it happen! If you would be willing to donate a pumpkin, we will gladly accept your generous donation at the office.

October 25, 2016

CONGRATS KAEDAN: Kaedan's Ness Knights artwork is on display in our trophy case! What a great representation of our school's teaching team! Thanks, Kaedan!

* TOMORROW - Pyjama Day!
* Thursday - Twin Day!
* Friday - Dress Up Your Face Day! (No masks).
* Monday - Halloween Costumes! (No weapons or accessories that may be used as weapons. Please also consider the level of "gore" when planning your costume. School dress code/beliefs still apply).

LOOKING FOR PUMPKINS: We will be having a pumping carving contest as part of our Halloween Gym Blast on Monday are in need of 12 pumpkins to make it happen! If you would be willing to donate a pumpkin, we will gladly accept your generous donation at the office. Thank you so much!

October 24, 2016

ATOMIC VOLLEYBALL: Congratulations to our Atomic volleyball players who played in their first tournament this afternoon. Way to Go Knights!

*Wednesday - Pyjama Day!
* Thursday - Twin Day!
* Friday - Dress Up Your Face Day! (No masks).
* Monday - Halloween Costumes! (No weapons or accessories that may be used as weapons. Please also consider the level of "gore" when planning your costume. School dress code/beliefs still apply).

October 14, 2016

TIER 2 VOLLEYBALL: Congratulations to our Tier 2 volleyball players - Lucas, Gavin C, Shaan, Claire, Ebony and Aurora who had a great season-opening game against the Golden Gate yesterday.

GOOD LUCK: To all Ultimate Frisbee players who will be playing in the 'Hold Back the Snow' tournament this weekend! Have a great day!


October 7, 2016

TIER 2 VOLLEYBALL: Congratulations to our Tier 2 volleyball players - Lucas, Gavin C, Shaan, Claire, Ebony and Aurora who had great pre-season tournaments yesterday afternoon. Both the boys and girls teams played very well and were great ambassodors of our school. Way to go Knights!

October 3, 2016

THAT'S a CROSS-COUNTRY WRAP: Congratulations to Lucas, Nina, Aurora, Ebony and Graeme who all had great runs at today's 4th and final Cross-Country meet. Both of our Grade 6 teams (boys and girls) had great showings and we are looking forward to seeing how we ended up placing overall this year. What a great way to start our Athletics year here at Ness. Way to go Knights!

September 29, 2016

MARATHON OF HOPE: A reminder to bring your running/walking shoes to school tomorrow for our Terry Fox Run/Walk. We are also asking each student to bring in a loonie or toonie (as they are able) to help support Terry's dream of each Canadian giving one dollar (or more!) to help fund cancer research. Thank you for your support!

September 27, 2016

CONGRATULATIONS to Nina, Aurora and Lucas who ran a great X-Country race yesterday (Monday) at GWMS!
Way to go Knights!

GET YOUR RUNNING SHOES READY! Our school's Terry Fox run is this coming Friday (Sept 30) and we are ready to collectively run as many marathons as we can! Get your teams organized and your costumes ready! More information about this event was sent home by email yesterday and can also be found on our school blog.
Let's make Terry proud, Knights! :)

WEAR ORANGE this Friday. Friday will be busy! While we will be celebrating and walking/running for Terry Fox Friday morning, we are inviting all students to wear orange Friday afternoon to raise awareness of residential schools.

September 23, 2016

CONGRATULATIONS to Nina, Aurora and Graeme who ran a great first X-Country race yesterday (Thursday) at GWMS! Way to go Knights!

GOOD LUCK to Owen, Ebony, Ava and Graeme who will be attending Divisional Choir Camp next week!

COMING SOON: Our school's Terry Fox Run will be next Friday, September 30th a.m.
More details to follow soon!

September 16, 2016

REMINDER: School pictures are Monday, September 19! :)

September 12, 2016

Need an extra copy of the letter or questionnaire that was handed out at triad conferences?
No problem! Click HERE for the letter and HERE for the questionnaire.

It would be great if all questionnaires as well as any other triad forms could be completed and returned to the school by Friday, September 16. Thanks for your help! :)


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