Monday 5 December 2016

Happy Monday!

We had a great start to our week!

In Math, after correcting our assigned Math practice questions (mental math and factor trees), we listened to a story! Mme Careen read us, "Sir Cumference and the Viking's Map" written by Cindy Neuschwander. This story is all about Catersian planes (les plans cartésiens) and how to locate specific coordinates on a map; a great introduction to our next topic in Math (and Science, too)!

After listening to the story, we did our Math lesson on erasable white boards instead of paper. So fun! We learned how to draw the X and Y axes, where to place the Point of Origin (0,0) and that both positive and negative numbers can be found on a Cartesian plane. We also started to plot the coordinate points shared in the story and will continue working on that in class tomorrow.

In Français, we continue to read daily as well as work on our "On corrige" sentences which help us learn and practice the different masculine/feminine and singular/plural rules. We are also continuing with our francophone music unit, which had us listening/watching 3 different vidéoclips today: Laissez-les kouma by Zaho, On ira by Zaz and 33 tours by 2 frères. All 3 songs were from different genres and had different styles of vidéoclips.

Tomorrow in class we will watch our last "batch" of vidéoclips before beginning our music opinion iPad project that we'll work on and present to the class before winter break.
(More info about this very exciting project is coming soon)!

Have a great week, everyone!

Our December class photo!

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