Monday, 19 December 2016

Information Overload!

There are a lot of things happening at school this week.
Take a quick read to see what's happening!

1. Students will be completing a short survey in class tomorrow morning with Mme Marcoux. A synervoice was sent home about this last week and a letter (on orangey coral paper) was handed out in class today for all students to bring home to share with you. We are asking that you please initial the letter and send it back with your child tomorrow. All students will complete the survey UNLESS we receive an email or phone call indicating that you would rather not have your child participate. Thank you very much for your help with this!

2. We will begin watching our videoclip projects tomorrow in class! Any students who have not yet completed the editing of their project must make arrangements to work in the tech lab over noon hour to ensure their work is complete.

3. Celebration of Success Assembly! We will gather in the gym 9:00am Wednesday morning to celebrate our many successes of Term 1. You are more than welcome to join us if you are free!

4. The last morning before break! While we will not be having a "formal" holiday party, we will have a chance to do some fun and engaging curricular activities as a class Thursday morning. Any students who would like to bring a snack or sweet treat to share with their classmates are certainly invited to do so. 
Please remember to keep the snacks peanut/tree nut free!

5. Thursday afternoon! All students will be participating in activity stations Thursday afternoon, starting period 6. Students had the opportunity to sign up for their activities in class this morning an the afternoon schedule will be posted as soon as it is ready.

6. And now, for what we did this morning!
This morning we continued working on plotting coordinates on a cartesian plane. Some of us finished creating our coordinate art, while others challenged a partner to a coordinates game. Using dice to roll coordinates, we plotted points of a cartesian plane. The first person able to plot three coordinates in a row was the winner!

In Science, we continued graphing the data we collected last week in our "How many push-ups can you do in 1 minute" experiment. We learned how to scale the x and y axes to better accommodate the results of our experiment. We also reviewed how to write a title and sub-titles for our graph. And, when our lesson was done, we took some time to draw a creative masterpiece on our white boards!

Have a great afternoon, everyone!
See you in your 'holi-day' gear tomorrow! :)

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