Saturday, 3 December 2016

A great first week of Term 2!

We've had a great week of learning this week!

In Math we've reviewed prime and composite numbers and learned how to break numbers down into their prime factors by drawing factor trees! We learned that no matter what 2 factors we start with, the list of prime factors at the end is always the same! Wow!

In Science, we continue our daily observations of our tomato plants. Group F is slowly starting to catch up to Group D with the total number of tomato seeds germinated. We've noticed that our plants get very dry quite quickly so need to be watered almost daily. We've also started to talk about graphing and will focus on developing this skill over the next couple of weeks.

In Français, we're continuing with our daily sentence correction, "On corrige" and have also continued with our investigation of francophone music by watching a wide variety of vidéoclips. 
On Tuesday we completed an activity with the iPads that had us scanning QR codes to find different vidéoclips on line. We watched a total of 12 different vidéoclips and then had to choose our 4 favourites to write about. We included a brief description of the vidéoclip message as well as our opinion of both the song and the vidéoclip itself. We are working hard to use our new music-themed vocabulary when sharing our opinions. This week we will be looking to add more words to our vocabulary list that we can use in addition to the word "bon."

We finished off the week with a team "Gratte-ciels" challenge. Using randomized groupings (we chose a card from a deck of cards to find our group members... all aces or 4s together, for example) we worked together to solve the puzzles. This made our brains work SO hard! Ask me about the activity; what went well and what got us stumped?!

Have a great weekend! :)

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