Thursday, 22 December 2016

Happy Holidays!

We had a great time together in class this morning!

We played one of our favourite Math games, "YAHOO," except today we opted for the more festive names,
"NEIGE" and "SANTA!"

We then created very expressive snowmen using our thumbs, white paint, sharpies and our imaginations!

We also took time to find our "Elf Name" and eat some yummy cookies, cake and veggies
that our classmates brought in the share.

What a great way to kick-off our winter break!

Wishing you all a very wonderful holiday and a happy and healthy new year!
Meilleurs voeux!

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Winter Wednesday!

We started our day together in the gym celebrating our Term 1 successes.
Congratulations to all our classmates who participated and were recognized in this morning's assembly!

In class, we celebrated the first day of winter sipping hot chocolate as we practiced our "cartesian plane skills" to create a very special mystery character.

We finished off the morning reading "Comment le Grinch a volé Noël" and watching more vidéoclip projects.

What a great morning! :)

P.S. Don't forget to wear your pjs tomorrow!

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Holi-day Tuesday!

We practiced our coordinate skills by playing Math battleship in class today!
Finding the "Tube" ship was definitely the hardest as it is only one coordinate big!

In Français we started watching our vidéoclip projects. It was certainly strange to see our faces being projected onto the whiteboard! We will continue to watch our projects in class tomorrow.

We also made one of our last Tomatosphere observations in class this morning. Group D has 34 germinated seeds and Group F has 30 germinated seeds. Anyone wanting to bring their tomato plants home before the holiday break is more than welcome to do so. Please note that the tiny plants will NOT do well with extreme temperature changes and should be wrapped up to keep the cold air at bay. Any 'unclaimed' plants will be brought home to Mme Careen's house for the 2 week break and then returned in January.
Any remaining, living plants will be repotted at school early in the New Year.

A reminder that tomorrow morning (at 9:00am) is our school-wide Celebration of Success assembly.
It is also "Winter Wonderland Wednesday" so be sure to dress-up in your cozy, warm winter gear!

Have a great afternoon, everyone! :)

Monday, 19 December 2016

Information Overload!

There are a lot of things happening at school this week.
Take a quick read to see what's happening!

1. Students will be completing a short survey in class tomorrow morning with Mme Marcoux. A synervoice was sent home about this last week and a letter (on orangey coral paper) was handed out in class today for all students to bring home to share with you. We are asking that you please initial the letter and send it back with your child tomorrow. All students will complete the survey UNLESS we receive an email or phone call indicating that you would rather not have your child participate. Thank you very much for your help with this!

2. We will begin watching our videoclip projects tomorrow in class! Any students who have not yet completed the editing of their project must make arrangements to work in the tech lab over noon hour to ensure their work is complete.

3. Celebration of Success Assembly! We will gather in the gym 9:00am Wednesday morning to celebrate our many successes of Term 1. You are more than welcome to join us if you are free!

4. The last morning before break! While we will not be having a "formal" holiday party, we will have a chance to do some fun and engaging curricular activities as a class Thursday morning. Any students who would like to bring a snack or sweet treat to share with their classmates are certainly invited to do so. 
Please remember to keep the snacks peanut/tree nut free!

5. Thursday afternoon! All students will be participating in activity stations Thursday afternoon, starting period 6. Students had the opportunity to sign up for their activities in class this morning an the afternoon schedule will be posted as soon as it is ready.

6. And now, for what we did this morning!
This morning we continued working on plotting coordinates on a cartesian plane. Some of us finished creating our coordinate art, while others challenged a partner to a coordinates game. Using dice to roll coordinates, we plotted points of a cartesian plane. The first person able to plot three coordinates in a row was the winner!

In Science, we continued graphing the data we collected last week in our "How many push-ups can you do in 1 minute" experiment. We learned how to scale the x and y axes to better accommodate the results of our experiment. We also reviewed how to write a title and sub-titles for our graph. And, when our lesson was done, we took some time to draw a creative masterpiece on our white boards!

Have a great afternoon, everyone!
See you in your 'holi-day' gear tomorrow! :)

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Spirit Week!

We're closing out 2016 with a whole lotta Holly Jolly!
Here are the dress-up days for this coming Spirit Week!

Monday, December 19: Jersey Day - Wear a sports jersey/sports gear!

Tuesday, December 20: Holly-day / Holiday - Dress as your favourite holiday!

Wednesday, December 21: Winter Wednesday - Wear tuques, mittens, scarves, your fav sweater, etc!

Thursday, December 22: Pyjama Day - You're welcome! :)

Looking forward to a great week!
Stay warm! :)

Thursday, 8 December 2016


The time has arrived for us to pick our favourite vidéoclip! 
We have listened to such a wide variety of music over the past couple of weeks that it will be hard to choose only 1.
Below is the list of songs we listened to as a class. 

33Tours (2frères)

Un homme debout (Claudio Capéo)

On écrit sur les murs (Kids United)

L’oiseau et l’enfant (Kids United)

J’ai cherché (Amir)

Quand la musique est bonne (Génération Goldman)

En feu (Soprano)

Laissez-les kouma (Zaho)

Emmène-moi (Boulevard des airs)

Folle de toi (Raffy)

Sur ma route (Black M)

Les points sur les I (Grégoire)

Après toi (Christophe Willem)

On ira (Zaz)

Omniprésent (Damien Robitaille)
Nos joies répétitives (Pierre Lapointe)
Appelle quand tu te réveilles (Renan Luce)

Here are the QR codes and the list of songs we listened to with our iPads.

We will need to know our favourite song in order to start our critical thinking writing piece in class tomorrow. We will start by creating a shared writing piece as a class and then students will be tasked with completing and editing their own writing. Stay tuned for more exciting info!

Have great afternoon! :)

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Snow Day #2

The snow keeps on falling and we keep on learning... and having fun, too!

We started our morning together with another round of "Skyscrapers." 
This makes our brains work SO hard! 

Next in Math, we put our Math brains and our creative brains together to create winter/holiday themed factor trees! We each chose a number and broke the number down into its prime factors. After checking our Math with Mme Careen, we got to work on our artistic creations!

Math is so beautiful!
We finished our morning listening/watching more vidéoclips in French. We used the iPads to scan QR codes and watched the vidéoclips by ourselves or with a partner.
Each of the 4 vidéoclips were all very different in genre of music and style of video.
We will each be picking our favourite song/vidéoclip at the end of the week.
It'll be hard to choose after seeing so many different ones!

⛄ Wishing you all a nice, snowy evening. ⛄

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Snow Day!

We celebrated our first "Snow Day" by writing snow and winter-themed Haiku!
Haiku require a specific syllable count: 5 - 7 - 5.
It's not always easy writing descriptive verses when limited by syllables, but with some hard thinking and some revisions, we each created a unique piece of writing!

❄ Stay warm! ❄

Monday, 5 December 2016

Happy Monday!

We had a great start to our week!

In Math, after correcting our assigned Math practice questions (mental math and factor trees), we listened to a story! Mme Careen read us, "Sir Cumference and the Viking's Map" written by Cindy Neuschwander. This story is all about Catersian planes (les plans cartésiens) and how to locate specific coordinates on a map; a great introduction to our next topic in Math (and Science, too)!

After listening to the story, we did our Math lesson on erasable white boards instead of paper. So fun! We learned how to draw the X and Y axes, where to place the Point of Origin (0,0) and that both positive and negative numbers can be found on a Cartesian plane. We also started to plot the coordinate points shared in the story and will continue working on that in class tomorrow.

In Français, we continue to read daily as well as work on our "On corrige" sentences which help us learn and practice the different masculine/feminine and singular/plural rules. We are also continuing with our francophone music unit, which had us listening/watching 3 different vidéoclips today: Laissez-les kouma by Zaho, On ira by Zaz and 33 tours by 2 frères. All 3 songs were from different genres and had different styles of vidéoclips.

Tomorrow in class we will watch our last "batch" of vidéoclips before beginning our music opinion iPad project that we'll work on and present to the class before winter break.
(More info about this very exciting project is coming soon)!

Have a great week, everyone!

Our December class photo!

Saturday, 3 December 2016

A great first week of Term 2!

We've had a great week of learning this week!

In Math we've reviewed prime and composite numbers and learned how to break numbers down into their prime factors by drawing factor trees! We learned that no matter what 2 factors we start with, the list of prime factors at the end is always the same! Wow!

In Science, we continue our daily observations of our tomato plants. Group F is slowly starting to catch up to Group D with the total number of tomato seeds germinated. We've noticed that our plants get very dry quite quickly so need to be watered almost daily. We've also started to talk about graphing and will focus on developing this skill over the next couple of weeks.

In Français, we're continuing with our daily sentence correction, "On corrige" and have also continued with our investigation of francophone music by watching a wide variety of vidéoclips. 
On Tuesday we completed an activity with the iPads that had us scanning QR codes to find different vidéoclips on line. We watched a total of 12 different vidéoclips and then had to choose our 4 favourites to write about. We included a brief description of the vidéoclip message as well as our opinion of both the song and the vidéoclip itself. We are working hard to use our new music-themed vocabulary when sharing our opinions. This week we will be looking to add more words to our vocabulary list that we can use in addition to the word "bon."

We finished off the week with a team "Gratte-ciels" challenge. Using randomized groupings (we chose a card from a deck of cards to find our group members... all aces or 4s together, for example) we worked together to solve the puzzles. This made our brains work SO hard! Ask me about the activity; what went well and what got us stumped?!

Have a great weekend! :)