Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Three days and counting!

Happy Tuesday, everyone!
We had a great morning together!

We started our day with a team Q-Bitz challenge. We worked in teams of three to create different pictures with our set of patterned blocks. We were tested on both accuracy and speed as the first three teams to correctly complete the picture and show it to Mme Careen won points for their team; 1st: 25 points, 2nd: 20 points, 3rd: 10 points.
Our teams were randomly selected, and after every 6 puzzles, we changed teams. We played three rounds in total.
Our next challenge will come on Thursday of this week as we attempt the same challenge using the
Q-Bitz Extreme blocks. So fun!

Next up, was our paper airplane challenge. We each received 3 sheets of paper and had 20 minutes to create the best airplanes we could. Some of us chose to follow one of the six templates posted around the class while others decided to come up with our own original design.

After our airplanes were ready to go, we headed down to the gym to test them out!
Some of our planes flew SO far!

We headed outside for the last part of our morning to put Bernoulli's Principle to the test. We started by looking at the different shapes and sizes of the frisbees and then tried to compare the differences in their flight paths as we passed them to our partners. It was pretty windy outside however, so most of our time was spent running and chasing after the frisbees rather than catching them.
Mme Careen also requested we yell out "Bernoulli" each time we threw a frisbee, which was pretty silly, but she was fairly insistent that it would make our frisbees fly a bit better. ;)

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