Wednesday, 24 May 2017

We're pretty much famous! (A Writer's Workshop Update)

Ok. First things first. And, it's kind of a big deal.
In the teaching world, there are certain educators - subject-specific experts - that many teachers look up to.
They have earned "rock star teacher status" in their own right. Regie Routman, while many of you outside of the educator world may not be familiar with her name, is certainly considered one of those people. Our staff (and many schools within out school division) have been studying, learning and applying Regie's "Reading Writing Connection" for years. And, Ms. Regie just happens to be best friends with Ms. Sandy - the very Ms. Sandy that was in our classroom but a few weeks ago!
So, why does that matter?

At the end of our Writer's Workshop, the wonderfully kind Ms. Banks (who was one of the admin/teacher observers in our class during our week with Ms. Sandy) tweeted Regie with a link to our classroom blog to share all that we had accomplished during the week. And... Regie retweeted it! A rock star status educator shared a link to our wonderful work with her 10.4K followers! How AMAZING! And, as a result of that, our classroom blog stats went through the roof! Our five Writer's Workshop related blog posts have almost 400 unique page views (compared to a typical post that would get 15 or so). This is a true testament to how hard we all worked during our week with
Ms. Sandy and how inspiring our time together was for everyone involved.

Now, putting all of Mme Careen's starstruck-ness aside for a minute, here is what we've been up to with our 
math writing since Ms. Sandy's visit.

We've reviewed and finished our drafts and have had the chance to work with Ms. Toth once again to review our Math thinking. Both Ms. Toth and Mme Careen have been reviewing our Math to ensure that each step of our thinking includes both the algebraic equation as well as any other Math used to arrive at the solution.

Mme Careen then typed up our drafts and we worked in teams to review and edit our writing. Once we finished making changes on our printed copies, we headed to the computer lab to make all necessary changes directly in our team's Word file. We also collaborated on what vocabulary words should be in our manual's glossary and identified them in our own Math Mobile writing by making them red and bolding the font.

What's next? 
Once all groups have finished making their final edits our Math Mobile problems will be printed and we will write in the math that goes with each step. We will then work as a class to negotiate the order in which all the problems will be presented, so that a table of contents can be typed up. 
From there, all pages will be scanned to create one digital file that can be published, printed and shared!

So, we're getting close!
Our weeks of hard work are about to come together in the form of an amazing final product!
Be sure to stay tuned... exciting book launch news to be announced soon! :)

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