Thursday, 6 April 2017

An intro to technical writing

"Technical writing" sure sounds like something complicated, but we're starting to learn that it's a type of writing 
we both see and write with on a regular basis.

When reviewing our "balancing a subtraction" mental math strategy in class this morning, we started by writing out the steps to solve an example equation. We explained the steps of the process using short, specific sentences that include key Math vocabulary terms, such as:
Additionner (add), unité (ones), terme (term), nombres (numbers), soustraire (subtract).

Writing out the steps of a strategy as if we were explaining the process to someone else helps us deepen our own learning and truly internalize the strategy/concept being taught.

We will continue to learn about technical writing as we begin to incorporate more writing in Math.
(We will also see this genre "popping up" in Science and Français too, so be sure to stay tuned)!

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