Wednesday, 2 November 2016

What We're Working On...

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Today in class we continued working with factors and were introduced to the PGFC - Plus Grand Facteur Commun (Greatest Common Factor). In comparing the factor sets of different numbers, we noticed that 1 is a factor that ALL numbers have in common and sometimes, 1 ends up being the greatest common factor of a set of numbers!
Click HERE to watch a short, silly video about finding the greatest common factor.
We'll also watch this short video in class tomorrow.

In Français, we've started exploring a short theme about peace.
Today, we listened to Mme Careen read us the story, "Qu'est-ce que la paix?" by Wallace Edwards.

We spent time looking at the beautiful pictures and discussed why certain pictures were drawn the way the were. We each had our own favourite for different reasons.

We will read a different peace-themed book every day for the next week and will use the ideas and themes to create our own piece of writing.

What does peace mean to you?

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