The theme of today's assembly was inspired by the plaque our school now has on display
in the main trophy case near the office.
We were very fortunate to have Mrs. April Waters, one of our school division's Indigenous Education teachers, speak to us at the assembly about treaties and how the are so significant in our province's and country's history. We also listened to the story, "We Are All Treaty People," a book that explains the history of treaties in a way that was easier for us to understand.
After the assembly, we went back to our classroom tasked with 4 discussion questions to guide our conversations. We began our discussions with what the phrase, "We Are All Treaty People" means to us and began to share our stories, reactions and questions to all that we learned at the assembly.
We will continue these important discussions tomorrow during our first "Knight Time" of the school year, with the goal of creating a class statement as to the purpose of having the "We Are All Treaty People" plaque displayed in our trophy case. How would we explain to our parents, friends or to a visitor the importance of the plaque?
This will be a conversation we will continue to have as a school throughout the year and it is through our conversations that we will grow in our understanding of such an important part of our history.
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