Happy Wednesday everyone!
Here's what we were up to today in Room 208.
We started off our day with a tangram challenge! We worked in teams of 3 and needed to use 7 shapes (tangrams) to build a bigger shape. It was WAY trickier than we thought!
In Français, we started with LaLaLa. What is that?! LaLaLa is a daily literacy activity that has students reading individually, with a partner and in a group with a teacher (Mme Careen). This will be done for 10 minutes at the beginning of every Français class. We started today with "Lecture Autonome" (reading individually) and will introduce the next "La" - Lecture Avec Partenaire (reading with a partner) - early next week.
After reading, we started talking about our classroom beliefs and goals for the year. After discussing the statements: Knights are respectful, Knights are responsible and Knights are learners, we all had a chance to add our ideas of what that might look like for us in our classroom this year. We wrote our ideas on small post-it notes and added them to the three chart paper signs posted on the board. We will review all of our words at the beginning of class tomorrow and continue to add our ideas until we feel that all of our views and beliefs of what it is to be a Knight are represented. This will become the foundation of our goals for the year (that we will write as a class) and these goals, in turn, will be the model for our own personal goal setting that we'll begin discussing later next week.
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